Saturday 4 August 2012

Rule 35. Sound signals in Restricted Visibility

Rule 35. Sound signals in Restricted Visibility

The signals are used when vessels are in restricted visibility.

(Q) A vessel engaged in Pilotage duties, what is his identity signal?
(a) He may sound 4 short and rapid blasts on the ships whistle

(Q) May he sound the identity signal when vessels are in sight of one another?
(a) No, this is only to be sounded in Restricted Visibility

(Q) Is there a time length for the Pilots identity signal (I.E. not exceeding 2 minutes)?
(a) No, there is no time limit, he may sound the identity signal as and when he wants

(Q) Name the vessels with a hampered fog signal (1 Prolonged and 2 short)?
(i) Sailing Vessel
(ii) Fishing vessels (Trawler & Fishing other than Trawling)
(iii) Not Under command
(iv) Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
(v) Constrained by her Draught
(vi) Minesweeper
(vii) Vessel engaged in towing
(viii) Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre engaged in towing
(ix) A vessel engaged in pushing another vessel ahead
(x) A Fishing vessel other than trawling fishing while at anchor (Anchor Seine-net)
(xi) Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre while at anchor

(Q) A Power-driven vessel has 2 different Fog signals, what are they?
If Underway - Two Prolonged blasts on the ships whistle at intervals not exceeding two minutes
If Makingway - One Prolonged blast on the ships whistle at intervals not exceeding two minutes

(Q) A Short Blast - How long does it last for?
(a) One second

(Q) A Prolonged Blast - How long does it last for?
(a) Between 4 - 6 Seconds

(Q) What is the complete sound signal for a vessel engaged in towing another vessel that is manned?
(a) The towing vessel will sound 1 prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts on the ships whistle, the vessel being towed will immediately sound 1 prolonged blast followed by 3 short blasts on the ships whistle, all within 2 minutes

(Q) A vessel at anchor (under 100 metres), what is his fog signal?
A rapid ringing on the bell (forward) for 5 seconds
at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

(Q) A vessel at anchor (Over 100 metres), what is his fog signal?
A rapid ringing on the bell for 5 (forward) seconds, then
A rapid ringing on the gong (aft) for 5 seconds
at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

(Q) A vessel at anchor has a warning signal he may use to alert you of a possible collision, what is it?
(a) He may sound (Morse "R" - Romeo) 1 short blast followed by 1 prolonged blast followed by 1 short blast

(Q) A vessel aground (Under 100 metres), what is his fog signal?
3 distinct strokes on the bell, followed by
a rapid ringing on the bell for 5 seconds, followed by
3 distinct strokes on the bell (bell is forward in the ship)
at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

(Q) A vessel aground (Over 100 metres), what is his fog signal?
3 distinct strokes on the bell, followed by
a rapid ringing on the bell for 5 seconds, followed by
3 distinct strokes on the bell followed by (bell is forward in the ship)
a rapid ringing on the gong (gong is aft in the ship) for 5 seconds
at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

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