Saturday 4 August 2012

Rule 23. Power-Driven Vessels

Rule 23. Power-Driven Vessels

Lights displayed by power-driven vessels underway

A power-driven vessel underway must display:
a masthead light forward;
If over 50 metres (164 ft) length, then also a second masthead light aft and higher than the forward one; except that a vessel of less than 50 metres in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do so;
a sternlight.
A hovercraft must also display an all-round flashing yellow light.
A wing-in-ground craft must also display a bright all-round flashing red light when taking off, landing, or flying near the surface.
A power-driven vessel of less than 12 metres (39.4 ft) may display only an all-round white light and sidelights. However, in the case of a skiff a wooden clinker rowing boat which falls into this category only needs to be capable of showing a white light.
A power-driven vessel of less than 7 metres (23.0 ft) whose maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots (13 km/h; 8 mph) must be capable of showing a white light

(Q) A Power-driven Vessel - UNDERWAY, what Navigation Lights does he switch off if he is stopped and making no-way through the water?
(a) None, he is not entitled to switch off any Navigation Lights

(Q) What is classed as Navigation Lights?
(a) Sidelights (Port & Starboard), Sternlight, and if entitled to them Masthead light(s)

(Q) What vessels are not entitled to masthead lights if the vessel is Underway?
(a) Three vessels;
(i) Fishing vessel other than Trawling (Red Light over a White Light - 2 metres apart)
(ii) Not Under Command (Red light over a Red Light - 2 metres apart)
(iii) A Vessel engaged in Pilotage duties (White light over a Red Light - 2 metres apart)

(Q) How can you tell a Power-driven vessel is Makingway?
(a) By taking a series of Compass, Radar & Visual Bearings (visual Bearings being most accurate)

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