Saturday 4 August 2012

Rule 34. Manoeuvring and Warning Signals

Rule 34. Manoeuvring and Warning Signals

Manoeuvring and warning signals, using whistle or lights.
The signals are used when vessels are in sight of one another

(Q) 1,2,3 & 5 Short and Rapid blasts on the ships whistle, what condition of visibility are these sound signals used?
(a) When vessels are in sight of one another

(Q) Does that mean clear visibility?
(a) No, you can still see a vessel when it is hazy, when you can see the vessel visually then you use this Rule and not Rule 35. Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility

(Q) In a Narrow Channel, a vessel sounds 2 Prolonged Blasts followed by 1 short blast (Morse "G" - Golf), what does he intend to do?
(a) He wants to Overtake your Starboard side and he is awaiting your answer for you to agree for him to pass

(Q) In a Narrow Channel, a vessel sounds 2 Prolonged Blasts followed by 2 short blast (Morse "Z" - Zulu), what does he intend to do?
(a) He wants to Overtake your Port side and he is awaiting your answer for you to agree for him to pass

(Q) What sound signal would you reply with if you agreed with the overtaking manoeuvre?
(a) (Morse "C" - Charlie) 1 Prolonged blast followed by 1 short blast followed by 1 prolonged blast followed by 1 short blast on the ships whistle

(Q) What would you sound if you disagreed to be overtaken in a narrow channel?
(a) You'd sound 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the ships whistle, you can also flash a light 5 or more times

(Q) In a Narrow channel, your coming towards a bend in the channel, what warning signal will you sound?
(a) One prolonged blast on the ships whistle

(Q) If I was coming around the bend towards you, what warning signal would I sound?
(a) One prolonged blast on the ships whistle

(Q) You're on a collison course with another vessel, you're the stand-on vessel, the giveway vessel is standing-on, what warning signal will you sound?
(a) You'll sound 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the ships whistle

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