Saturday 4 August 2012

Rule 17. Action by Stand-on Vessels.

Rule 17. Action by Stand-on Vessels.

The stand-on vessel
The stand-on vessel shall maintain her course and speed, but she may take action to avoid collision if it becomes clear that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action, or when so close that collision can no longer be avoided by the actions of the give-way vessel alone. In a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should avoid turning to port even if the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action. These options for the stand-on vessel do not relieve the give-way vessel of her obligations under the rules.

(Q) If you're the stand-on vessel, what action will you take?
(a) Stand-on with caution, keeping your course and speed.

(Q) If the Give way vessel were standing on, what warning signal would you give him?
(a) 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle, to indicate that you are unsure of his intentions.

(Q) If you're in a power-driven vessel, and on your port bow there is another power-driven vessel, who is standing-on, collision course, you've gave him 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle, you got no response from him, what action will you take now?
(a) Make an early and bold alteration away from him, in this case, 1 short blast on the whistle and an early and bold alteration to starboard and show him your sternlight.

(Q) If you're in a fishing vessel, and on your starboard bow is a sailing vessel, who is standing-on, collision course, you've gave him 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle, you got no response from him, what action will you take now?
(a) Make an early and bold alteration away from him, in this case, 2 short blasts on the whistle and make an early and bold alteration to port.

(Q) What actions for the stand-on vessel if the give way vessel stands-on?
(a) If the give way vessel stands on; the stand-on vessel may alter course (outside 4 miles - Rule of thumb distance)
(inside 4 miles - Rule of thumb distance)If in a close quarter situation and the give way vessel stands on; the stand-on vessel shall alter course

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